
kick-startverb[T](HELP);Billionsinaidhelpedkickstarttheeconomy.;Hehasattemptedtokick-startgrowthviapublicspendingprojects.;Therewasan ...,Ifwewanttokick-starttheglobaleconomyafterthecrisisofthelast12months,internationaltradeplaysanextremelyimportantrole.,Learnhowtousekick-startinginasentencewith4examplesentencesonYourDictionary.,Motherhood,advancingageandstresshavealltakentheirtollandIdecidedM...

KICK-START | English meaning

kick-start verb [T] (HELP) ; Billions in aid helped kickstart the economy. ; He has attempted to kick-start growth via public spending projects. ; There was an ...

KICK-START in a sentence

If we want to kick-start the global economy after the crisis of the last 12 months, international trade plays an extremely important role.

Examples of "Kick-starting" in a Sentence

Learn how to use kick-starting in a sentence with 4 example sentences on YourDictionary.

Examples of "Kick-start" in a Sentence

Motherhood, advancing age and stress have all taken their toll and I decided Medifast was just the kick-start I needed to break some bad eating habits and ...


2020年7月24日 — 1. The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates. 2. The housing market needs a kick-start.

sentences using kick

Examples of kick-start in a sentence. First example: People often use the phrase kick-start to describe getting something moving or underway.

Examples of 'KICK

The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates. The housing market needs a kick-start. He lifted ...

How do you use kickstart in a sentence?

2020年8月12日 — Yes. As a fact, 'start' is more formal than 'kicked in,' and is used many times more frequently, both in speech and writing. 'Kicked in' is more ...

How to use "kick

A kick-start for a programme like this, which is enormous in size, was the only way to get it off the ground. When the engine is off and the bike is in gear ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
